Electric Division
The City of Cairo operates an electric distribution system and provides electricity for residential, commercial, and industrial classed customers both inside and outside the city limits. The city's service territory is governed by the Georgia Territorial Act, with the exception of customers with electrical loads of 900 Kilowatts or greater. The City of Cairo is a participant of the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG) and is a shareholder in various types of generating plants that include nuclear, coal, and natural gas. The City also receives hydro generated power via dams around the state.
Natural Gas Division
The City of Cairo operates a natural gas distribution system and provides natural gas for residential, commercial, and industrial customers both inside and, in some areas, outside the city limits. Natural gas service is available for firm and/or interruptible loads, where facilities are available or where facilities are expandable. The City of Cairo is a member of the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia (MGAG) and is served by a Southern Natural pipeline.
Support Services Division
This division provides support functions to all departments of the City. These functions include purchasing, warehousing, inventory management, and accounts receivables.

Rod Prince
Energy Services Director
rodprince [at] cairocity.net (rodprince[at]cairocity[dot]net)
229-377-1722 Ext. 127